A simple 3 step process to attract and convert your ideal clients
Join us for this FREE Workshop 
Aug 16-18 @ 11am MDT

You've got a huge vision for your business. It's your time to shine!

Let's Map out exactly HOW you'll reach your goals this year using a simple event strategy.


Find Your FIRE! ~ What Sets You Apart!

You are a force to be reckoned with, it's time to start acting like it in your business ;) Let's nail down what you actually want to do instead of what you think you 'should' be doing online. Who do you want to serve, what problem do you want to solve?!! What lights you up lights the way to your success, I guarantee it.

Find Your Words ~ Nail Your Message!

You have the ability to make a huge impact online. You know it, and I know it, but you need to find the words so that she knows it too right?!!  Messaging makes or breaks ya in online biz. I'll show you how to find the words to articulate what you do in a way that resonates instantly with your people. 

Map It Out ~ Your 6 Figure Plan!

It's time to simplify your marketing! You can get fancy later. The fastest way to attract & convert your ideal clients (especially if you don't have a huge audience) is using simple virtual events. I'll show you how easy it is to build trust, attract the right audience, and sell out your offers without feeling salesy. Let's get your plan mapped out!

Business Coach for Online Entrepreneurs


Hey there, I'm Mara.

I'm the founder of The Ambitious Mom Movement where creating 6 figures success online AND still having time for your life is the priority!

I'm also a proud wife, a busy mom of 4, a real estate investor, online business coach, speaker, bestselling author, and host of the Ambitious Mom Summit series!

I'm a 'work hard, play hard, love my family hard' kind of girl who left my 6 figure corporate sales career to build a future for myself and my family doing it all a different way.

Can't wait to dive into your business and help you take off too!

See you inside ;)